
The Arad County Center for Resources and Educational Assistance (CJRAE Arad) was founded in 2007 and it is a regional public body in charge of coordinating the activity of educational support specialists from Arad County. They are school psychologists, speech and language therapists, school mediators. The most important services they provide are: school counselling, career guidance, information and counselling (for children, parents, teachers, community members), educational counselling, speech and language therapy, school guidance and special educational needs evaluation, training courses dedicated to teachers, parents, students. They also promote the development of intercultural competences of children and adults, educational partnerships, inter-institutional communication and community involvement in education.

In the field of European projects, CJRAE Arad became an example of good practice for Arad County, by setting up collaborations in the fields of its interest in several Erasmus+ strategic partnerships.

CJRAE Arad aims to become an active resource in the community, involved with other partners in the effort to support the student in the process of becoming prepared for their future.  The County Centre for Resources and Educational Assistance Arad aims at excellence, where learning is directed toward solving emerging problems, using experience, continuously improving skills, where each specialist has its own development process, giving others time to learn how to work together, where information is available to everyone, feed-back is a principle of every action, where each member feels responsible for the joint result and strives to achieve the set goals.

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Liceul Tehnologic Francisc Neuman is a technical school founded in 1948. Beginning with 01.09.2017, the county school network has been reorganized and the school merged with the ,,Stefan Cicio Pop” Gymnasium, whose students are in large majority belonging to the Roma community- 189 students. The challenge given by the primary classes and gymnasium included in the structure of their organization determines them to re-adapt, to improve and to understand diversity under its different forms. There are 455 students in high school and professional school who are prepared for a globalized European labor market , for a variety of fields: commerce, aesthetics and beauty industry, textile and leather industry.

There are 57 teachers whose competences and skills offer a solid training. The main priorities of our development plan are the use of ICT in teaching, short and long term prevention of school leaving, partnerships with European organisations in the domain of education, equal opportunities for all students, good insertion on the labor market, improvement of learning results, socio-cultural inclusion of Roma students. Inclusion at Liceul Tehnologic Francisc Neuman means to personalize the learning design and activities according to the needs of each child and involves lowering the barriers to learning and participation, tackling the differences between students using acceptance, encouragement and empowerment. It also means to organize a lot of extra-school and extracurricular activities, in order to shape beliefs, understandings, attitudes, norms and habits.

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